Monday, May 7, 2012

There's nothing like nailing a technical section on the Mountain Bike or Sprinting 'til you (almost) puke on the Road Bike, but sometimes it's great to just kick back and enjoy where you are. Here's my some photo's I've taken while out riding and why they are special to me.

 Ashridge woods. about 10am on a November morning. The trails were dry and it was unseasonably warm. The light dappled through the trees in the still air creating visible rays of sunshine.
Wendover woods (just outside the cafe in the woods) 5.45am. It was chaffing cold! The sun had just started to crest the horizon casting an orange haze which gradually faded through Blue to Violet to the Inky Black of night. That the trees framed these colours made it an unmissable shot

This is what freezing fog looks like. It's far heavier than the air around it so lurks in the hollows and makes islands of the hill tops. This was taken atop Ivinghoe Beacon, yet you could have been in the Scottish Highlands.
Same time, same place. The Sun was like a glowing orb and didn't yet have the strength to give that much warmth. I really like the way that taking the shot directly into the Sun makes an outline of the handlebars of the bike.
The Canal Towpath, just outside Tring in the Autumn. I love the glass like reflection in the water and the yellows and browns of the leaves on the path.
Ashridge agricultural college. an impressive building nestled in the heart of Ashridge grounds. I was on the winter road bike and the weather was changeable but the rain had held. It's the clouds that do it for me in this shot.
Just outside Wendover woods whilst testing the Slash 9.0. The Bluebells had just come out and I had to wade into the undergrowth from the side of a lovely undulating piece of Singletrack to get this shot. The tree wasn't fallen, and had grown this way, making a handy bike stand!

I'm sure this year will be full of loads more for me to share with you and I hope I've inspired you to get some arty shots of your own.

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