Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The long push back up...

Pushing your bike back up the hill again isn't going to be as fun as riding it back down again.

An obvious statement maybe, but overlook the push up paths benefits at your peril! I spent a lovely warm, sunny and most importantly dry day last weekend at my local riding spot Aston Hill and felt a lot of negative vibes towards the push back up. I don't want this to come across like I prefer pushing up to riding back down (see opening statement) but hear me out!

The push up path gives me the chance to stop and scope out new lines, reflect on set up changes I could make to the bike, a tweak of rebound here, the lowering of tyre pressure there, I could really do with some offset shock bushings to tackle that bit... and so on.
It gives me the chance to marvel at riders with more skill and speed than I have, or thank the lord I have more skill and speed than others.
Sometimes I'll stop and check out the view, happy to be out on two wheels in such a lovely environment, revelling in the conditions - wet or dry - knowing I'm a better person than the one who chose to sack it off today.
If I'm riding with friends it's the chance to catch up with them on the latest riding gossip or shoot the breeze on how part A performs over part B, or to share stories off a near miss here or a lost front end there and how you WILL clear that section next run...
It's the perfect time to grab an energy bar / drink to get you fuelled for the next run and to stretch those tight muscles from the previous one.

So. There is my case for the push up path. She is a fickle individual and not for everyone, but please don't cuss her down without a second thought, she's better than that!

Enjoy your next run down, I'll find out how it went on the push back up!

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