Wednesday, February 29, 2012

what can I expect from a review?

With the RideWell reviews I'm aiming to give a fair and unbiased overview of the equipment that will be blogged in the review headed features. The tests will encompass both Road and MTB products, just read the ones that interest you!

All of the components listed will have been thoroughly tested for a good time in order for me to give you a thorough overview of the product and the review piece will be a reflection of my time with the part - my aim being that once you have read the piece thoroughly you should feel as if you have used the product yourself!

The aim of the bulk of the review will be to be as in depth, opinionated and as technical (geeky) as possible, Bicycles are technical bits of kit these days after all, but I will give you the plus and minus points of the product in an overview that you will find at the bottom of the review if you don't have the time to read the whole article.

I want to get away from a points scoring system, we all know one mans XTR can be another mans XO and I want to keep the tests fair and unbiased - with the emphasis on the product quality and performance, not brand.

In the case of ride spots I will be recruiting the help of trusted others when the riding is beyond my capability - but I hope to be the test pilot for most posts. I will review the spot on ease of access, build quality, friendliness and facilities.

If you have a component or spot that you would like reviewed, or would like to be a reviewer, please get in touch with me via FaceBook.

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